Do you remember what a fun holiday Valentine's Day was made at school when you were young? Well, in my ever-inevitable aging (yes, I am 28 today), I had forgotten. This week I was reminded when my preschooler had a full blown Valentine delivering and receiving event. It was even mentioned in the take-home paperwork from his teacher earlier this month that Valentine's Day would be second only to Christmas as the most celebrated holiday for the children. Isn't that funny? :)
Benjamin-- excuse me, Lighting-- delivered Toy Story Valentines to each of the children's cute bags that they made. They also all served as "snack helper," by making "Bubble Bread" as a class. I think it's cut up Pillsbury biscuits rolled in sugar or something. I am convinced that being snack-helper, or the person who brings snack for the day, is by far his favorite aspect of preschool. So cute!
I received a new stroller this week through StrollerFit's new partnership with Baby Jogger. While I don't love having the width of a side-by-side stroller, it is a pretty cool stroller and it's fun to see how much Evan is enjoying being at StrollerFit now that he can always see me (before he was in the back). He is just eating up all the counting and tickling we do.
I thought for sure Evan would be walking by my birthday, but alas, I was wrong. He is definitely cruising and doing a great job getting down from a standing position, but no walking yet. He seems pretty content with the ultra-fast army crawl he has developed over the past few months.
We have been working on his waving. He can do it, but he much more prefers to the do what I have named "the wave." He usually follows it up with a head drop to the left and a big laugh. That's his newest game. It is adorable.
No news on the house yet. We've only had a few showings, but learned this week that there is a limiting factor in the way we can promote it until the 90-day mark of us owning the property, so we are hopeful that in the coming weeks the activity will pick up and we will get some bites.
We have also come up with a great way for us to grow our business, so if you're interested in making more interest on your money than just letting it grow in a savings account, let me know!!
Andrew is still working to put together the new engine for his Jeep Wagoneer. He has almost all of the components he needs, so hopefully it will start coming together soon.
I am busy at work studying for my Personal Trainer certification. This started as an additional certification for me to be a more accredited StrollerFit business owner and instructor, but as I do the studying I realize this might be a perfect job for me to start growing a client base now part-time and then when the boys go to school in a few years I will be in the industry and I can work more full-time. We'll see.
Andrew and I were kid-free last night to celebrate Valentine's Day and we had a great time just relaxing. We went to see Sherlock Holmes (yes, after 2 months it is still in the theater), engorged ourselves at Ted's Montana Grill, and went to watch the Olympics at a new bar in our town while we listened to some good live music. We woke up this morning and had a great breakfast, got some much-needed chores done, and continued to relax. All in all it was a great Valentine's Day/birthday celebration. Thanks Grandma & Papa for babysitting!
And one last note in regards to my bday, thanks to my mom for getting me a beautiful necklace and an AWESOME winter jacket to replace my oompa-loompa ski jacket that I've had since high school. I will officially be cute on the slopes, if we ever get there!!