Friday, January 22, 2010

House for Sale

I just realized I've lost the connector from my camera to my laptop and don't have the energy to look for it right now, so this week's post will have to be picture free. Sorry.

Andrew wrapped up the house this week and it is on the market. Anyone looking for a cute 2-bedroom home in Denver? If so, send them our way! Seriously, the house looks amazing. I'm so impressed by his work. I hope it shows well and sells quickly!

The boys have both been sick all week. Evan with a nagging cold that he's had for a while and won't go away, and Ben with the same thing that eventually turned into a fever. We took him to the doctor yesterday and he is now on antibiotics for early pneumonia. He's back to his old self, which is good, but exhausting. :) I have to be honest: I hate it when he's sick because he's not feeling well, but I love it because it's the only time he's ever calm and cuddly.
Andrew and I have so far been able to fend off all the yucky germs floating around our household.

Evan is on the verge of cruising, but hasn't quite taken to it yet. He got a pretty good taste of what cruising even is this week, so it's just a matter of days before he will be walking all around. He is such a cutie. He loves to eat and play and be tickled. He hates laying on his back.

We weighed the boys at the doctor's office. Ben is 32 lbs. and Evan is almost 17. My little turkeys.

I hope to have pictures up next week!


ErinO said...

Good luck with the sale!

Maggie said...

Good luck Harvey's!! I would love to see some before/after pics of his work - AJ should start a house project blog (in all his free time)!

I don't mind no pictures really, just love to hear a little bit about what is going on in your life.

miss ya!

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!